Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles
Rips off citizens by lying about burn ban, harrasses locals on behalf of rich local businessmen, Blount County

Politics & Government

The following is a copy of the actual "Formal Complaint" that I filed. It is actually pretty self-explanatory. I ommited some names in order to protect the privacy of the people involved.

Formal Complaint Against

City Of Townsend

Chief of Police

Ron Suttles

It was brought to my attention that the city of Townsend police department was under the assumption that a 'Burn Permit' was required for a campfire or small recreation fire.

According to Ron Suttles, 'The campfire must be in a designated camping area like a campground but could not be on privately owned property inside the city of Townsend.'

After speaking with 'Francis' at the actual forestry office I found this to not be true. (865) 982-6264

Not only are burn permits not required for a small campfire, a permit has NEVER been required for a campfire.

I immediately returned to the municipal building to see what Ron had been told as opposed to what I was told.

Chief Suttles 'supposedly' called the same forestry office while I was there and 'acted' as if they relayed the information that 'the fire has to be in a designated campground.'

I immediately called the same office back to see why Chief Suttles and I were being given different information.

Again, I was told the same thing that I was told earlier in the day that no burn permit is required for a small campfire.'

Upon returning home, I noticed that I had missed a call. It was the forestry office calling me back by accident.

I returned the call and talked to a 'Rex' which once again relayed the same information that 'Francis' had told me earlier in the day. Rex was under the assumption that he needed to return the call when in fact, I already had the information I needed concerning campfires and burn permits.

During this conversation, the issue of Ron Suttles telephone call came up. Turns out that neither 'Francis' nor 'Rex' had spoken to Chief Suttles. There were only two people in the office (Rex and Francis) and Chief Suttles would have had to talk to one of them.

What's 'funny' about this whole situation is that Chief Suttles actually wrote down the number on a piece of paper after 'supposedly' speaking with these folks and told me that these were the people to call to get a burn permit. I have the piece of paper if anyone needs to see it.

It is my opinion that Chief Suttles never actually made a phone call to forestry office.

It is my opinion that Chief Suttles is not telling the truth concerning the 'Burn Ban.'

It is also my opinion that Chief Suttles has involved himself and the city of Townsend police department in personal feud between the *s and *s on * Lane.

I am not as concerned with the fact that Chief Suttles completely misrepresented the 'Burn Ban' policy, although it is important to note that a Chief of Police should be familiar with any policy that he is going to enforce.

This is not the first time that Chief Suttles has been 'mistaken' concerning legislation.

Again, my main complaint is that Chief Ron Suttles acted like he was on the phone with someone at the forestry office when in fact he wasn't.

Since the City of Townsend provides Chief Suttles with the cell phone, it should be no problem to look and see if the actually call was made. The call supposedly took place between 11:00am and noon on Nov. 1. This shouldn't be any problem at all to check on. A call log accompanies every bill or I'm sure that you can request one.

The State Forestry Office can be reached at (865) 982-6264 if you have any questions.

I sincerely feel as though disciplinary action is the only remedy for this situation.

This formal complaint has been respectfully submitted in good faith by: ME!

Since filing this complaint I was able to get in touch with some other people that Chief Suttles has been harassing based on bogus information created by himself.

They've already started back-peddling saying that Ronnie had the number on his phone. I'm not really interested in whats on the phone, I'm interested in knowing how long the call duration was. I'm interested in the actual call log which falls under the "Sunshine Laws" of the state of TN.

It still doesn't change the fact that Chief Suttles lied concerning the actual wordage of the burn ban. This is where he violated state law (TCA) concerning "Official Misconduct". I want him prosecuted.

It was obviously an attempt to bully some folks that a local rich businessman doesn't like around. And to beat it all, the people that were bullied are part of his family. It's really a shame that people can't mind their own business. I'm extremely disappointed in this individual also.

It makes much more sense to me for a bunch of younger people to enjoy a campfire in the middle of a field instead of running around all over Townsend vandalizing things and stealing people's property. But then again, the real criminals are the people in Townsend that Chief Spanky likes to pal around with. He takes good care of his cronies.

Chief Suttles gave out some bogus legal advice a few years ago which ended in a family lawsuit that lasted nearly 4 years. Needless to say, Chief Spanky was wrong about this situation also.

He has also consistently misrepresented city ordinances every time that I have talked to him about anythting. Epsecially concerning the 66 condo complex that the local "underhanded" planning commision forced down our throats. One good turn deserves another.

Really... To sum this up in a nutshell... I've never known Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles to represent the truth in any instance. I'm not the only one who feels this way in Townsend.

Evidentally, Chief Spanky is just a stooge for the development industry and only does the bidding of local rich businessmen.

That's all right though. Now he has been caught red-handed. We'll get to see if this situation is handled properly by Mayor Shannan Skidmore. If not, then I'll let you know about the "rich businessman" who is involved in this situation and what our mayor has been up to since moving to Townsend to set up shop.

You would think that in a place such as Townsend where they are trying to sell so much real estate, city employees like Chief Spanky wouldn't be allowed to act this way. Seems to me that nobody would want to move into an area where the police are allowed to BREAK the law.

Oh well... Now they know. Glad I could be of service and warn people that you don't want to but property and live in Townsend. Townsend city government is just as corrupt as the Blount County.

Sic semper tyrannis!

Company: Chief Ron "Spanky" Suttles
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Townsend
Address: Townsend Municipal Building
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