Townsend Deputy / Officer Bill Slacker Allen
Townsend Police Deputy / Officer Bill Slacker Allen Assaults citizenry, doesn't know the law just like his boss Spanky Suttles

Politics & Government

Wouldn't you know it that Townsend Officer Bill Allen would do it again. Not only does he not know the law, he likes to assault people and charge them with bogus crimes when they want to argue the point. Learn the law you moron! You've got a damn laptop in car... I guessaving enough sense to use it is the problem.

Here's how it went:

Once again, we were tired of listening to baying mutts that are owned by the embociles & felons that live around us. We called the police and Officer Slacker Allen shows up being a complete fool the minute he got out of the car.

Let me read you the actual law:

TCA 5-1-120 - Section 6 - NOISY DOGS PROHIBITED - No person shall own, keep, harbor, possess or maintain any dog which disturbs the peace and quiet of others by loud and frequent barking, whining or howling. A dog hall be deemed in violation of this section if it barks, whines, howls continuously for a period in excess of (1) one hour and fifteen minutes.

I can assure you that I have over 50 hrs of this "nuisance barking" on video. Some can be found on youtube. Just do an extended search on Blount County.

Section 13 - PENALTY - violation of any provision or section of this resolution is punishable by a civil penalty of not less than Fifty ($50.00) or no more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), provided the complaining party carries the burden of proof by preponderance of the Evidence.

I am going to repeat that last part so you'll remember it later: "... Provided the complaining party carries the burden of proof by preponderance of evidence." that means that its up to me to prove that the dogs are a nuisance. How else would you do that without a recorder or video camera?

After Deputy Slacker Allen got out of the car, he immediately told me that he and his deralict buddies in the city of Townsend Police Dept couldn't do anything unless they hear the dogs. Really? The ACTUAL LAW says otherwise. Spanky thinks he can change the laws around; has that rubbed off of Slacker Bill Allen?

I told him that I had the law printed out and would be more than happy to give the copy that I had in my hand to him for reference in the future. It wasn't a snippy comment, just figured he would want to see it for himself since he took an oath to uphold the law.

At that point he screamed "I know the law!" Obviously he didn't but I did. Just like his boss Spanky Suttles, if you don't know then just case you didn't know, lying about the law is against the law but the Townsend police wouldn't know that since they don't know how to read simple English or find the actual locations of the law.

I told him that what he just said was a line of bullsh*t. At that point, he pushed off the car took about three steps towards me and shoved me with both hands as he said "... Now you're going to jail." Just so you know, All this was captured on video tape in the eave of my house.

At no point did I strike officer Slacker. I didn't want to get shot or tazered but can assure you the next time they show up looking for trouble there will be more than enough trouble waiting. This is three times that piece of slime has pulled something like this and I'm sure that Spanky Suttles will up hold him in it. We the people not only have constitutional right to protect ourselves, we have the right to protect ourselves against overzealous government workers like spanky and slacker.

i was arrested and charged with simple assault and resisting arrest. Trust me when I tell you that I'm horse laughing Slacker Bill Allen right now. What an idiot! Think about how much money that idiot just made me!

I can't wait to get to court to show the videotape and have these charges pushed up to the Grand Jury. I have confidence that the people of this county won't tolerate behavior of this sort... Unless the DA's office cooks up a jury on me which they have been known to 3 or 4 years, when we finally go to trial, we'll find out!

I'm going to talk to an attorney tomorrow and will be at the Townsend Municipal Building on Tues to file another official complaint. Hopefully we will be able to build up the charges on Slacker Bill Allen. Let's see, so far we've got aggravated assault, misdemeanor assault, felony trespass and at least four state ethics violations if not more. The videos do not lie. See for yourself.

Since this whole situation started with nuisance animal laws not being upheld, maybe it's time to file suit for breech of contract not only with the city of Townsend but also the Blount County Sheriff's office. Deraliction of duty is not an honorable trait.

I will say this, the officers in the jail were completely decent. There was one that was a little arrogant when he was questioning me concerning my personal information but still pretty affible.

My mother made the mistake of calling our CRIMNAL SHERIFF to find out what was going on. She has now seen the tape and is livid concerning the situation. Who gives a flying crap about Sheriff Berrong? He can't do anything about it anyways. He's worthless all the way around just like his mother and her family. How such an upstanding likeable gentleman like Leon Berrong ever got involved with a a-hole like Lynn Lambert I'll never know. Hell, they can't keep people at the golf course because of her. Typical LAMBERT!

I used to think that e Sheriff was one of the good guys but somewhere around he lost his morals and decided to follow the path that those in his corrupt party wanted him to go down.

I hate that Mom called you JIMBO! I can assure you that I don't need your sorry arse for anything. If I ever need afree car seized from the taxpayers or the use of an $17K phone, I'll let you know.

WEll that's everything that happened tonight in a nutshell. I hope I didn't leave anything out. I spoke with one of the local TV stations (they told me not to give the station on this website until they actually run a story) several weeks ago when the first assault took place. I got an email last week from them last week concerning the videos that I have posted on youtube concerning criminality in our local law enforcemnt community and the lax attitudes of the police concerning animal control. I'd say the video that was shot tonight will make the 6 o'clock time slot. Almost positive abou that.

I'll give you updates as new information arrises. Looks like it's on again! Yee-haw! I hope they get the pansy Robert Headrick to prosecute the case. Regardless, I'll win, just like I did the last time that bogus charges were brought against me.

Keep the faith! The only way that we'll ever get these criminals out from behind a badge will be to shed a little blood or spill some. Doesn't really matter to me at this point. Bring it on Lambert Hoard! I'm tired of your BS!

Sic semper tyrannis & down with the criminal townsend officer bill slacker allen.

Company: Townsend Deputy / Officer Bill Slacker Allen
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Townsend
Address: 111 Tiger Drive
Phone: 8654486886
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