M2mags.com and MORE magazine
Unauthorized subscription

Newspapers & Magazines

I had been shipped the MORE journal without aking for this. This indicates likewise very unpleasant to stop it. First, MORE journal DECLINED my PUBLISHED request termination, accusing this really is outside their control. They known a telephone number resulting in m2mags.com. This ensemble consequently includes a difficult customer support agreement... Attempting to prevent immediate cancellations also and referreing to some site. I replied written down them that I'll now totally avoid company with any detailed company associates to m2mags.

If one extra problem of MORE appears, I might consider joining a-class action suit against equally MORE and m2mags.

Company: M2mags.com and MORE magazine
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
  <     >  


Subscription Made In My Name Without My Knowledge

Vista Print partnered with m2mags
Automatically subscribing me

Prevention Magazine
Being shakedn down by a collection agcy for a mag I never ordered

First Subscrition Services
Unauthorized subscription

TWX Magazine
In regards to free subscriptions, notice your expiration date to avoid charges

14 months later no journal

M2 Media Group
Unwanted magazine subscription

United Magazine Service
Never gotten Discover Magazine

United Magazine Service
Journal registration not obtained but consideration debited!

Magazine SVC
Magazine Subscription Rip-off