Vista Print partnered with m2mags
Automatically subscribing me

Newspapers & Magazines

Many times after I put purchases at Vistaprint, they've instantly activated me to publications. This newest one, Parents Journal, was a STANDARD "Yes" on the checkout screen. Sly trick. I've nowadays advised them of my official problem towards the Investments and Exchange Commission for customer fraud. After I attempted to unsubscribe, I was informed that because it was free, why was not I more grateful.

Company: Vista Print partnered with m2mags
Country: USA
State: Maryland
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Vista print vista print is a ripoff! and MORE magazine
Unauthorized subscription
Subscription Made In My Name Without My Knowledge

VP Club US Vista Print
Vista Print - Unathorized Charges

Vista Print And Today's Escapes
Vista Print, Runs a Scam!
Unauthorized Charges bad business practice, scam, fraud, rip-off

Businessmax/vista Print
Fraud... BusinessMax/Vista Print... Watch out for these companies $14.95 is not on the receipt I copied

Vista Print
Charged my credit card for purchases I did not make or approve

Business Max Vista Print
Bizmax vista print in cahoots with bizmax in signing up scam

Businessmax, Galleria, Vistaprint
Ripoff, credit card fraud, stealilng information nationwide