Assurance Wireless
I need to cancel my services

Mobile Phones

I need to cancel my services i lose my phone about 7 months ago, i call to cancel my service because i dont remember my pin they cant cancell my services i they still charge the goverment for the services i dont used. My name adress is 220 23st apt 305 miami beach, fl 33139. Thanks.

Company: Assurance Wireless
Country: USA
Address: usa
Phone: 18883215880
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Refund Policy

Verizon One Bill
Total scam, do not bundle, you will lose

Bad service - ALL


Worldwide Preferred Publisher Services
False Magazine subscribtion, cant cancel

Biggest ripoff scam on the net nationwide

Atlantic Magazine Services - Community Reading Club (CRC)
I can't deal with them anymore

Tlg Shoppers
Will not cancel membership even tho i call and cancel ripoff nationwide

Consolidated media services
Consolidated Media Services Ripoff ripoff business from hell

BWP Magazines
Charges me money for the services that I do not want. When will it ever stop? Isn't there someone out there that can help put a stop to this business?