Common Flights (Noble Travel)
Consumer Report


I reserved a flight with Common flight on the 20th November I paid fifty pound deposit and then had a verbal agreement with the agent that dealt with me called Jordan that I will make the final payment on 1st December. He then sent me an invoice to confirm the deposit and total amount for the flight which was four hundred and eighty five pounds. I noticed that he did not mention that I am due to make the final payment on the 1st of December so I called him back and he assured me that the price will stay frozen not to worry. After making the final payments of four hundred and thirty five pounds on the 1st December Common flight then sent me another invoice saying the flight reservation has gone up and I owe them six hundred and forty pounds to make the payment before 2pm the same day or else the price will go up again by Monday 3rd. I called them and asked to speak with Jordon the agent said Jordan is not around, I then explained the situation to the agent and asked him to cancel the flight and refund the amount to me but he told me that the cancellation fee is two hundred pounds and will take 15/28 days to reach my account. I was angry, confused and scared of losing any money I had to travel on 10th December the agent then gave me another option to book another flight for a lower price of eight hundred and thirty five pounds. With no other options I had no choice but to pay an additional three hundred and fifty pounds into their company account.

Company: Common Flights (Noble Travel)
Country: USA
Phone: 4402079932308
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