Salvatore Fava / CPA
Consumer Report


Sal is a fraud and ever since his father passed away Sal has never followed up even though he was part of the business. He's a discrace to his father and to his business as a so-called CPA. People depended on you to get our taxes done and all you did was just ignore everyone. We've gone thru hell with you by ignoring us and not returning our original documents sent to your company. Emotional stress, failure to have services rendered are just a start. Other's should file a complaint with the NY CPA Advisory Board like I did. Sal has let his clients down and his father Tony (may he rest in peace). You'll pay for putting us thru this.

Company: Salvatore Fava / CPA
Country: USA
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Salvatore Fava CPA
Consumer Report

Western & Southern Life
Money paid, services NOT rendered

Bay Area Collections
Keep harrassing us over my father's bill my father has passed away

Ripoff my father passed and the company claim they did not receive his benificiary, therefore I sent a copy of the Will and the company still want to give the funds to whom they want to how could this

Child Support
Failure to collect child support you should be able to sue for them failing to collect your child support

Protective Services
Found drunk passed out father not guilty of child neglect when child was sexually assulted by his friend

Vonage Vonex
Promises FALSE! Left My Elderly Father Without Phone For Help Promised $24.99 mo., included additional charges, foreign reps selling more services than to fix problems!

Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff that my deceased father unfortunately fell for now I can't get them to quit sending me their TRASH

North American Gaming Commission
Taking Advantage In These Hard Times... It's an OUTRAGE!

Consumer Network Of America
(CNA) Withdrew $143 from bank account without authorization