Lipo Slim
Consumer Report


I made the huge mistake of ordering Liposlim and Body Cleanse!

It was advertised as a "Risk Free Trial." You only had to pay for shipping which was $4.95 per bottle and for 14 days.

I called on the 13th day to cancel, which seemed to be no problem, they took my request and I thought that was that. Well, on the 14th day they charged my credit card for $79.99 and $79.98.

On my statement it listed WC (which I found out meant worldwide) and their telephone number, one toll-free and the other their regular number in Minnesota. I couldn't even figure out who this was and called to ask.

First of all, I spoke with an Asian lady that could barely speak any English. It was very difficult to understand her and I had to ask her to repeat herself the entire conversation.

She basically told me that I called, according to their records, four days later than I actually did! She said that I agreed to their "Terms and Conditions" when I ordered. There were NO terms and conditions anywhere on this website that I could find. Besides, this was false advertising anyway!

I kept telling her to take the charges off and she would ask me to hold on and she would see what she could do. She would come back on the line and say she got authorization to take half off. I said that wasn't satisfactory and asked to talk to a supervisor to no avail!

Well, you can forget that, they are always busy. She said she put my account on urgent and I would get a callback from their "Escalation Team, " within two hours, well, you can forget that too!

I ended up having to call my credit card company to dispute the charges which they did, but they said if that company calls them to say I owe them the money, they would have to bill me again.

Ugh, I am so frustrated! They better not do that. Who else can I call to complain? Mail fraud? Better Business Bureau?

Don't order this, it is a scam!

Company: Lipo Slim
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85046-0371
Address: PO Box 31976
Phone: 8882416463
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