Liars and Ripoff artist


I read all of the terms and conditions prior to purchasing a TRIAL sample of Acaiberry and Bromalite and knew that I had to call and cancel within 14 days of reciving the product. I ordered 01-07 and called on the 12th day of ordering and had no problem canceling Bromalite and that stupid fit factory membership that "comes with the deal". I did have a problem with Acaiberry.

After numerous attempts to call I finally got through, the person on the other line could barely speak english. I was on the line over an hour as he contantly asked the same questions over and over as to my name, address etc. Obviosly a tactic to frustrate me and it worked. I gave the phone to my wife and she went round and round the same for about a half hour until she asked for a supervisor. They told her the supervisor is too busy to answer the phone and when she threatened legal action the guy told her oh... I found three records with the same name. He then proceeded to tell my wife that he found our info and assured her that the account was closed.

Today, 02-17-09 I was looking through my credit card statement online and found two charges for Acaiberry, one for 88.62 on the 6th of Jan and one for 94.57 on the 13th of January. I called the phone number on the charge, 866-950-4787 and waited on hold for 30 minutes after being dropped on the first two calls. I contacted my credit card company and they cancelled my card and are sending me a new one as we speak. The case was submitted to fraud investigations and I was told that the charges would be set aside until the investigation is final.infuriated Fergie

Company: Teaacaiberry/Bromalite/Fitfactory
Country: USA
Phone: 8669504787
Site: teaacaiberry.com
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Ripoff billed credit card, not subscribed, never heard of it

PanaLabs I thought I was getting a acaiberry product and to my surprise I wasn't. Everywhere Nationwide

Aol America On Line
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing Internet

Unauthorized charges

Bromalite, Wu Yi Pixie Tea, Panalabs
Misleading Information and Impossible to Contact (almost)

Unauthorized charges

Fit Factory
Fraudulent Charges

Spring River Nurseries
Ripoff offered Lavender Plants, then never delivered

Bromalite And AcaiBerry
I was offered a free product by paying only for shipping and handling Dec. 11. Now I have been charged $ 69.95 twice in Jan. And $ 88.62 once, I did not authorized for them to ship or charge me the product to my visa

Swapselltrade.com, Joe Richey
Ripoff, False ad, Would not return money, nasty in his reply, Do not trust this man or company!