Consumer Report


I did the 14 day trial. 1 day in the up load was so painful slow I upgraded the account and then after 2 days straight of uploading I was only 4 gig's in. I made sure the computer wasn't going to sleep... I emailed a request to cancel the service and that started a lot of 1/2 price offers and questions about how I was performing the backups. I also was told to spend $15 to speed up the service. I had to sen 6 emails that were very BLUNT asking for the service to be canceled. On the 5th email I actually asked "can you read" for them to carefully read the email that was asking them to cancel the service. I just called them, a month later to confirm the account has been canceled, and to NO surprise the account is still active. I had them cancel once again. There is a $14 processing fee. I asked for a supervisor and was disconnected and had to call back and surprisingly got the same person. I then was told there are no supervisors available. I had them take my number and asked for a supervisor to call me. We will see???

Company: JustCloud
Country: USA
State: Hampshire
City: Whiteley
Address: Unit 6, Fulcrum 2, Solent Way
Phone: 4803045432
Site: justcloud.com
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Free trial hell! Rude customer service fraudulent company

Identity Guard
Identity Guard Credit Monitoring Lies, Lies, Lies

Started billing me three months after request for cancelation and told me I never canceled

America Online - AOL
Rip-Off fradulent billing after calling to stop service

IIC Internet Services, Onlinestoragesolution.com
Refuses to cancel account and keeps charging monthly fees

Cancelled service after contract was over but getting billed Scottsdale Arizona

Clear Wireless
Clear wireless stole my money!

They Will Not Let Me Cancel

Netmop - dont try it

Local Net
Canceled my account TWICE! They Lied to me numerous times. Ripoff