Waka Network
Consumer Report


I can't remember right now which city in Florida she said she was in. Her name was Sylvia Davis. She never answered questions. She told me upfront that I would not have to buy or pay anything that the gifts were absolutely free. Then, we started to put in my credit card info onto their website. I could not complete the info because I knew it was a scam. Before I finished with talking to her there was actually another page that wanted all my banking information also. We did not need to go there however, because we were working on putting in credit card info. I actually put all my info in their system, but I think that I did not click to complete it, rather I clicked to exit and told her I could not do this and that I was hanging up.

I have since called my bank to check to see if any charges are there on my credit card and there don't seem to be any yet. I will check again tomorrow just in case.

I told her that what if I called the number to cancel and did not get anybody or they would not let me cancel. She did not respond. I am worried that I have been scammed, but do not have any charges against my card at this time. I still hope that I got away from them in time before it went through their system.

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network
Consumer Report

American Gold
Ripoff the business that doesn't give a dam NJ

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Legalmeds.com, Paymentinfo.net, Pangeaprocessing.com, Pay-ecom.net
Ripoff They bill you from other countries but forget banking is global They host through many sites How this is allowed I cancelled my credit card and was issued a new one and this company had the new number before I did I am so upset Feel so violated

CIC Credit Report
Ipoff, fraudulent credit card charges

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network (Sylvia Davis was name given as their rep)
Consumer Report

Free Credit Report
Unauthorized billing

MO2 Privacy Plus
Ripoff, unauthorized charges to credit card Internet