Waka Network
Consumer Report


Sales person called me on the phone said I had recently taken a survey which qualified me for $100 gas vocher, $10 WalMart card and a $50 gift card to their site Waka Network.com. I asked her twice that she is sure this will not cost me anything. She said it's ABSOLUTELY free. She proceeds to walk me through a few pages on their website. I fill out my name and address SO THEY CAN SEND ME my gift. Guess what the next page was? The credit card info page. Becoming irrate with her I told her that she had lied to me. I told her she was crazy to think I will pay 1 cent for this service and that I would be even crazier to give her my credit card info. She became snotty then. I ended up hanging up on her. Scam scam scam. Liars. Shout it from the roof tops SCAMMING LIARS! Don't fall for the sweet talk. Hang up on them before they anger you and waste your time.

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network AND Walmart
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

459-121-8344 This is the number calling me from Waka network with a scam, saying I won a $100.00 dollar gift card from Wal-Mart, a Gas Card all I had to do was go to my computer and type in the web site, as soon as I started it showed waka scam
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network, 512-646-0035
Consumer Report