Consumer Report


We bought two tickets ; the bus never show up.
The greyhound clerk Just told me the I have to buy another ticket for later or diferent day: that my ticket was nonrefundable. I called to custumer services they will do not give my money back, because my ticket is not refundable. This company just stole my money.

Company: Greyhound
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75266
Address: P.O. Box 660691, MS 470
Phone: 2148498966
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Greyhound Bus
Efund - Greyhound

Greyhound Bus
Never again Greyhound bus

Greyhound Bus Company
Told Me Ticket Was Refundable When Purchased, Two Days Later, No Refund

Greyhound Bus
Greyhound Inconsiderate and Greedy - Greyhound Bus Co

Greyhound Bus Lines
Consumer Report

Greyhound Bus
Greyhound Bus Company of Inconvenience - Greyhound Bus Co

Greyhound Bus
Worst way to travel... - Greyhound Bus Co

Greyhound Bus
Overbooked the bus and didn't refund my money - Tardy buses and staff

Greyhound Bus Lines
Ripoff possibly Criminal ripoff swindlers thieves waste of timeripped off and scammed rip-offs

Greyhound Bus Company
Refund or reprint of ticket