Aarons Sales and Lease
Ken Butler stands behind his consumers? Right


I had a problem with Aarons about a month ago. Which resulted in them giving half of the account to us paid for by them. Well guess what a 2nd issue has arised. We decided to still pay for the washer/dryer and the computer. My husband started a new job so for the very first time ever we have to make a payment arrangement. You would think by asking them to do this it started WW3. Never being late before, always being on time, but now its a problem. I spoke with Michael who works in the store for accounts he told me that only two months has been paid on this account (when we had rented a computer from there 6 months prior paid on time and in full). He said that the other accounts we paid out and he would be extending a olive branch helping you with this payment. Really? I thought a olive branch was for peace. Are we at war? He extended the payment but made it a point to say that the accounts were paid out by Aarons. Why does it matter? If they had acted like civilized people that would have never happened. But its my fault for their actions. Now in between all of this. I have filed SEVERAL complaints with their complaint department that is a joke! They directed me to VP services I spoke with Kara who directed me to Ronnie Crumbley this guy is a joke as well. Won't pass on messages, hangs up on you and then calls the secretary for the CEO office and tells them i'm cussing at him and what not! Through out this whole process I have been nice. The only person I swore at was David Powell. You do get kind of pissed off when someone ignores you allows you to be treated like garbage and treats you like a name|. And a number;. I spoke with Ronnie Crumbley today who said he was moving my complaints to someone else and he never did. Just said ok bye bye? Like a coward. Also. I have spoken to David Dunbar who. Helped me with the first complaint but hey... Now he can't help me because he isn't in the distict. So here's the real kicker... After being hung up I called Kimberly who works the front desk at corprate. As soon as she knew it was me she said "Janice you need to pay your bill" HA! My name isn't janice, so your saying its okay that ive been treated this way? Its ok that people are treated this way by people including yourself who are suppose to represent your company? This kind of behavior is ok? She said yes we have a job to do. Well Mr. Ken Butler your running a "gangster" type operation. Because your receptionist said on the phone that these practices are okay. ALONG with "Ronnie Crumbley would have not hung up on you because he isn't that kind of person you had to do something." So the consumer in this case is never right. Trying to talk to people at corprate is a joke some hag behind a desk who thinks she knows what is going really doesnt have a clue at how * it is to say that type of behavior is okay. I'm officially going to the state attorney general's Office of Consumer Protection and will be sending a copy of my complaint to the Federal Trade Commission. For people that don't know the process and are being bullied by these people look up all your options and don't back down. 219b344

Company: Aarons Sales and Lease
Country: USA
Site: aarons.com
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Aarons Sales and Lease
Ken Butler stands behind his consumers? Right

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