Greyhound Bus
Sent in circles on the phone, because i wanted to complain about the phone service


After a horrible experience of teh phone service, i wanted to complain. So after about 10 minutes i got a person who gave me aphone number, and that person gave me a nother number, saying you can submit compaints there. Then that person told me that you can only submit complaints online. I was extermly frustrated at this point becuase i was on the phone for the past few days and many, many hours trying to get one simple answer. So i told teh woman that i hated teh phone serviceand i wanted to complain about it, so she told me to email them. So i told her i wanted to speak with her manager or someone higher up then she was and she told me she didn't have one... I hung up. It's not even worth dealing with this.

Company: Greyhound Bus
Country: USA
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Greyhound Canada
Greyhound Canada Customer Service

They must all be in India

Rephen Law
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Greyhound Lines
Bad Customer Service
Consumer Report

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