Consumer Report


Never approved for this to be taken out want my money back and a WEBRECUR also not approved for 34.95 want my money back for both never approved either one how do I get my money back???

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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You're Approved Auto Sales
You're Approved Auto Sales, LLC Highway Robbery a new way to steal in Memphis, TN

Lend Net 101
Consumer Report

Ripped off/we have no money/seen before not approved

Premier Savings
Cindi Camarco dishonest scam fraudulent rip-off

Ferrington Apartments
Farrington Apartments Ripoff Decieving liars took my money

Union Workers Credit Services

ScoreSense Customer Care
Consumer Report

Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

They charged 149$ to credit card and provide no service, they say nothing will be charged unless approved, everybody gets approved but not any body gets service

Money Tree Mortgage
Ripoffof $300.00, said we were prequalified for a mortgage, but needed to pay this money upfront