Public Record Spy
Consumer Report


False Advertisement 1 month ad at $19.95 then charged $39.85.information provided was not what was advertised. Got nothing but Name that I put in. Wanted more money for additional information

Company: Public Record Spy
Country: USA
City: Toronto
Address: 4915 Bathurst St., Unit 209-107
Phone: 6172620077
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Public Record Spy
Consumer Report

Public Records Pro 12 Months Membership
Public Records pro yes pro for your money Internet

Public Storage
Public Storgage scam to steal and sell your belongings. Ripoff Nationwide

Im just reporting misinformation and being lied to when i confront them about their misinformation

CIS Nationwide
Free Public Arrest Records False and damaging Arrest Records

Public Record Spy
Public records Spy lets you do an initial search, In my case my name came up 5 times - I just wanted one report for my name on only Paid $24.90 - Surprise no results available

Public Records Pro
I paid them 35.40 via credit card to access information and I received no information in return idaho

U S Record Search
Failure to adequate perform the Service Requested

Home Depot
Customer Service

Online public record
Public record Deceptive Advertising