Copper Canyon Grill of Downtown Silver Spring, MD
Rediscover Copper Canyon Grill Invitation Gone Bad


I was invited to rediscover Copper Canyon Grill in Downtown Silver Spring with a $10 Gift Card sent to me in the mail from said address and company. On the back of the card it clearly states "This card is not redeemable for alcoholic beverages where prohibited by law." along with "This $10 gift card is valid with a purchase of $25 or more."

I went to said address and ordered as stated on receipt (Eggrolls$9.00x1;GuinessStout$5.95x4. Total balance $35.48 (tax included) I was with witness and we each had 1 order of GuinessStout. The other two GuinessStout$5.95 were ordered but never fully received because while ordering the second round of Guiness, I requested the check. When the check arrived I presented my gift card with expectation that it would be honored.

It was denied so I requested to speak with a manager. After being denied by a manager I requested a business card from him so I could file a formal complaint against the business, when another manager got involved. I explained my situation to him and as well I was denied use. I was asked to pay and leave. After being asked I turned around... Picked up my full glass of Guiness and raised it in view of the manager. I said "I haven't even finished my beer yet." The Manager then physically assaulted me by grabbing my hand holding the beer. Someone called the Police prior to this because as soon as he assaulted me the Police arrived and I was physically escorted outside the building for being a "uncooperative customer who was refusing to leave."

"Take it easy! I'm cooperating, I have a bad back. I'm in pain!" After being ignored by the police officers escorting me outside I was questioned outside by 6 Montgomery County Maryland Police Officers. After explaining what just happened inside the restaurant I was forced to pay the bill in full and threatened with Trespassing if I did not comply or do not pass go do not collect $200 go directly to jail. I request business cards or badge numbers from the Officers currently present.

After I paid the bill I was handed a Notification that I could not enter a 2 block radius in Downtown Silver Spring or I would be subject to arrest; including where I play chess on a daily basis one block away from Copper Canyon. Around this time Officer Woo states a few choice words to me. "no more chess for you." "you're a disgrace to your heritage."

While being escorted out of the two block radius Officer Woo throws my identification card at me from his bicycle. It hits my chest and falls to the floor. Soon after Officer Woo rams me with his bicycle. Officer Woo then says "Move, Go!" I explain to him that it's dangerous for me to cross a street while the crosswalk has a red light and cars are moving over 25 mph. Officer Woo again states a few choice words to me. "You look like a fagit." "Looks like you have a stick up your a* when you walk."

20 Minutes later while standing in line to board the bus that takes me home Officer Woo and Officer Rollins arrive in my view about 50 feet away from me. I state to Officer Woo "Who the h*ll names their kid His?" Officer Woo had refused to give me his name or badge number earlier and on the copy of the trespassing form he handed me I assumed "His" was his first name. Zhou was his last.

Officer Woo and Officer Rollins immediately run a 250 feet obstacle course and arrested me for Obstructing & Hindering as well as Disorderly Conduct while I stand with my hands in the air frozen with fear of danger. Officer Rollins handcuffs me and escort me through said obstacle course while Officer Woo picks up my property I had placed on the ground after witnessing the Officers reaction and throws my property (bookbag and chess set plus content) rather than carry through the said obstacle course breaking and losing 2 chess pieces of mine. After walking through the obstacle course Officer Woo forces me to take my shoes off. He then stuffs them inside my property.

I am sent to jail without my shoes. After being released from jail I must then walk home bare foot because no one can tell me where my shoes are. I receive a phone call from Officer Rollins 3-4 days later detailing where I can pick up my property.

Two weeks later while waiting for my day in court I receive a visit from Officers Woo and Rollins with two other Officers present at my work. They approach me with the words "Hey You! Remember us? Have you been drinking?" I stated to them that I would see them at court.

I was appointed a lawyer acting as my public defender Kathleen Dolan. I stated to her a brief description of the events and that I did not wave my right to a trail by jury and that I was going to plead Not Guilty. I also requested several times that I wanted to discuss the case more with her. I was attacked verbally by Mrs. Dolan and denied. On many occasions Mrs. Dolan would accuse me of drinking alcohol and request that I seek help. Not once have I drank alcohol in front of Mrs. Dolan.

During the day of court Mrs. Dolan refused to question The only complainant Testimony of Officer Rollins after I requested she do so. I was quickly hushed and told that she knew what she was doing. Mrs Dolan refused to call my witness who was present. Mrs. Dolan called my name instead. Baffled by this I felt compelled to testify against myself.

No one prior to this explained/told me that I was waving my civil rights. I was unaware of my rights at this time. Mrs. Dolan never prepared me for this. She never asked me prior to this to testify. She caught me off guard while in a confused state of mind. I did as told and was quickly interrogated by the district attorney, who took advantage of my ignorance to the customs of the courts.

After being ruled Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt I was sentenced to a $500.00 Fine; 30 Days in Jail; 6 Months Supervised Probation Suspending all but 6 Months Probation for Disorderly Conduct and Nolle Prosequi for Obstructing & Hindering which I never agreed upon. Not Guilty was my only plea.

The following Monday I handed Paul A. McGuekian the Judge who was handling my case a motion for a retrial and a motion to suppress my testimony. I was quickly denied. I was however approved for appeal the following day. This is where I stand today. I am waiting for pretrial on April 6th.

This case was about the 1st amendment but has grown to include the 5th, 6th, and 7th at least. My rights are being trampled on left and right. I no longer trust public defenders, police officers, judges, advertisement, and our judicial system. I am a poor man and can't afford $3,000.00 to hire my regular Lawyer so I must do this without proper representation. I am fighting for my rights and losing. I feel helpless.

Company: Copper Canyon Grill of Downtown Silver Spring, MD
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Silver Spring
Address: 928 Ellsworth Drive
Phone: 3015891330
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