Walmart Super Center Greeley, Assaulted in store and then charge with theft by rude female security person

Shops, Products, Services

I was shopping in Walmart approx. 3 weeks ago in the evening with my disabled Autistic son. I am disabled as well. I was assaulted and threatened by a stranger inside the store and immediatley went for help from a Walmart Manager. After asking if an employee could help they said there was nothing they could do. I ask them to call the police. They refused. I then asked if I could use the phone to call the police.

After the police arrived they confronted the man who spit on me (in my face) and threatened me. He was with his his family. He denied doing it of course and the police said there wasn't much they could do. I then requested that they look at any video tapes from the cameras in the area of where he assaulted me. The officers were polite and willing to do this. They walked my son and I to the our car and said they would call me shortly with the results of viewing the videos. Approx. 30 minutes later I recieved a call from the same officer and he informed me that Security Manager told him that the only working cameras in the store were the ones at the registers.

I was given an inncodent report # from the officer and that was that. This made me very upset and I did not beleive the Walmart Security Person at all. So after a week or 2 I decided to my own little test at Walmart. My son and I were shopping for groceries as usual and then I decided to stand diretly under some cameras in different areas of the store and "pretend" to seem like I was going to steal something. I had an empty Walmart sack and put a few items in it. Just as I suspected a couple of Security Men were folowing me around the store. Once I was finished shopping for my items. I went to the self check-out and paid for all. My son had was holding the other bag. I then went to the Service desk and handed the clerk the bag and I told her here you go-thank you and walked out.

Next thing I know, I am at my car and this crazy woman with 2 men came running out to me and my son. She was yelling "where's my stuff?" Then she said what did you do with bag??? I calmly said. I gave it to the Service desk, please calm down you are scaring my son. She refused and demanded to search my car and purse. I once again asked her her name and she told me to shut up. She then said, if you do not come with me inside right now, I will call the police and you will go to jail. Well this really scared my son and I was concerned as well. Especially because I did not steal anything! She also began screaming at my son about him drinking chocolate milk in the store and not paying for it.

As I waited patiently in back room with this nutty & hateful woman, I tried several times to explain what I was doing with the bag. She called me liar and once again said to shut up. When the police arrived, her tone changed immediatly. She left the room and returned with the bag I had given to the service desk and said she wanted to press charges against me for up to $500.00 for theft. The police officer wrote me the ticket and I have to go to court on the 30th of March. I told him several times that I did not steal anything! He said sign this ticket please, it does not mean that you are guilty of anything.

I want to know why they can do this and get away with it. I am scared about going to court. I am disabled and have never stolen anything and my son is terrified that he is going to lose his mommy. Is there anything I can do? I asked for her name several times and she laughed at me. She also rolled her eyes and laughed when I told her that my son and I were diabled. I hope I don't go to jail for something I did NOT do.

Company: Walmart
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Greeley
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