Exciting Toys
Consumer Report


I ordered from them. They did send me a confirmation email. It says it is processing and allow up to 10 days. Obviously it is well past that. I didn't find a phone number to call though other have and got a voicemail I think. I did email them and have gotten no response.

Company: Exciting Toys
Country: USA
Phone: 5043550082
Site: excitingtoys.com
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Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

Vobla Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

Exciting toys.com
I have made an expensive purchase and have not got my items no responcee through customer service or the number on my bank statment which is NY VOLBLA INC PHONE# is 6463120106 exciting toys. ComInternet

Toys R Us
Toys R Us unresponsive to customer concern or scamming the gift wrap fee?

Credit Card Fraud, Failure To Ship Products, Cannot Contact by Phone or Email, Theft

Midwest Games
Rip off! Charged my card immediately but never received product

False Advertising on internet orders Kmart.com

EXCITING TOYS.com, Exciting Toys Adult Pleasures Vobla, Inc, Vobla, Inc, New York, Internet Paid for the product long ago... Have not recieved ttacking information. Returned funds... Nothing. Not even a person to pick up the phone!

Playful Plush Toys
Ordered a toy and didn't receive it nearly a month later, unable to contact

Toys R Us
The worst customer service EVER!