Credit Card Fraud, Failure To Ship Products, Cannot Contact by Phone or Email, Theft

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered three items and the purchase showed up on credit card statement within a few hours. It has been six weeks now and no products. After two weeks I started emailing using confirmation of sale reply address. Could not find phone number anywhere. I emailed 4 times being polite and requesting info status. I emailed from Exciting Toys own contact web site and that did not work either. I am turning this over to credit card fraud for research.in checking internet complaints against Exciting Toys I really messed up for not researching before ordering; as there are numerous complaints for over a year regarding the exact same credit card fraud situation. I am surprised their site has not been shut down mean while they continue to rake in the dough off of honest unsuspecting victims.

Company: ExcitingToys.com
Country: USA
Site: excitingtoys.com
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Exciting toys/vobla inc
My credit card was charged and i have not recieved my order it says its still pending

Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

Exciting toys.com
I have made an expensive purchase and have not got my items no responcee through customer service or the number on my bank statment which is NY VOLBLA INC PHONE# is 6463120106 exciting toys. ComInternet

Exciting Toys Adult Pleasures Ripped me off, Fraud, Theft, STOLE New York

Vobla Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

Exciting Toys
Consumer Report

EXCITING TOYS.com, Exciting Toys Adult Pleasures Vobla, Inc, Vobla, Inc, New York, Internet Paid for the product long ago... Have not recieved ttacking information. Returned funds... Nothing. Not even a person to pick up the phone!

Internet site to purchase tent toys and games. Gives Yahoo internet buisness a bad name. Sells merchandise and never delivers products. Customer service does not respond to calls or e-mails. This is a Yahoo shopping site that is a complete fraud

Blue Bear Toys. bluebeartoys.com
Blue Bear Toys, bluebeartoys.com Another "victim" of Blue Bear Toys! Brooklyn

Exciting Toys
Consumer Report