US Fast Cash


US Fast Cash called me about once a day at work after repeatedly telling them that I can't have calls at work. They threaten and try to intimidate me. I do not owe these people anything. Long ago, I had a loan that I fully paid off.

When you tell them that you are at work and cannot have a personal call, they start with "so you are refusing to pay us" and I will pursue collections on you". It is causing trouble at my workplace. I do not have an address that I can write a request to stop calling. They refuse to communicate with the mail or email. I am at my wits end. I will lose my job if they do not stop this.

They try very hard to intimidate people and I guess they collect a lot of money from people that would rather pay them than to have the harassment, even if they don't owe the money.

Company: US Fast Cash
Country: USA
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