Nick Anderson
Usa fast cash harassment and threats

Business & Finance

This man keeps calling me leaving nasty threatening messages, claims its in reference to a legal matter, I never took out a loan from this company, I use one service that I never have a problem with. When you talk with him his demeanor is the same he tries to intimidate you and threaten you and tries to get information from you to steel from you. When you try to call him back you get a series of operators that have to type your message its not even a valid voicemail or answering machine.

He is rude, nasty, arrogant, among other things, he keeps trying to intimidate me by use of verbal threats and I have saved the message he left on my phone as proof, he lies and tries to pose as a legal official to get finance and account information and when that doesn't work he makes threats and gets nasty.

I am so tired of this I was scared at first until I googled him and found out exactly who he is then I called back and left a message through his fake assistants / operators and told them to tell him I know who he is and what he does and he won't get away with it with me that I'm filing a report and charges and turning him in.

Company: Nick Anderson
Country: USA
Phone: 3474485878
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