They Lie!


Last week they lied and said they couldn't get in our gate and we don't have a gate. This week they cancelled the service appointment because they said they called three times and we weren't home which was also a lie. It is nearly an impossibility to get a live person on the phone and when you do they want to keep selling services not to solve problems. I am going to deduct my hourly pay rate from my bill—why am I worthless—all day and we still haven't seen the serviceman. Why does the FCC allow them so much power?

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
Phone: 18002662278
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Sky Gates
Iron works company - Gate and Fence repair services

Refused to fix Fence Gate Satisfactorily

Custom Gate System
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West Gate Resorts
Ripoff... Selling Stuff They Ain't Got!

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Hotwire Communications
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Custom Gate System
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Joe Garcia
Comcast cancelled my confirmed appointment

Cancellation of CONFIRMED appointment

Poor service and poor customer service