Consumer Report


They took me for $179.00 I canceled my order two days before the three weeks they say in the contract because They took the money out of my account. The operator said he cancelled my order and the money would be back within ten days.instead they sent it to me anyway and are trying to say that I didnt cancel it untill it was allready sent out. Not to mention that they sent a double order and charged me for it without consent. The tried to offer me 89.00 back but after demanding all my money back they want me to wait untill they recieve the product to re emburse my account. Like that will really happen what a scam.

Company: Retoxo
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Hoboken
ZIP: 07030
Address: 2-14th St PH 31
Phone: 8003014797
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Projector Lamp Center - SageRyder
Do Not Order From This Company—They will take your money!

Direct TV
Took money out of my account after telling me they would not. Kennewick

Acai berry detox and FMW LABORATORIES
Is a scam

Fwm Laboratories/acai Detox
This company stole money from my bank account for a product that they never sent to me Hollywood Florida

Acia Pure
They charged me 44.90 2 days after I ordered my free sample, then 39.99, and another 44.90, I recieved nothing!

Full prescriptions
Fullprescriptions I canceled an order they assured me it was canceled and I would not be charged. I was charged. Ripoff

Grant Educational Resources / Lakeshore Media
Ripp off, no government grants just a scam, they take your money, you get nothing canada

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

Tristar Products
Ripoff placed order in March, received broken product, sent back, told to wait 4 weeks! Wilingsworth

Bluehippo Bold Face LIERS Baltimore Maryland