Assist 123
Consumer Report


I went to call a number to make a payment on my tuition and they intercepted my call. And I didn't realize they did and i said i needed to make a payment and they said I qualified for a $100 gift card and another $25 gift card and i would be charged $3.95 and I hung up on them. I called my bank 30 seconds later and they had already charged my account 3 times. I had to cancel my debit card. I'm pissed

Company: Assist 123
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
ZIP: 33133
Address: 2140 S Dixie Hwy, Ste. 201
Phone: 8665861162
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Assist 123
Consumer Report

Assist 123
Consumer Report

U.S.A. Benefits
Scott Wilson charged my bank account with only a 1.00 and ussed profanity towards me when i started to back out of the offer for a Wal-Mart shopping card (100.00) for 4.95 and said nothing would be ccharged to my

Amazon Prime rip-off

Universal Buyers Club
They scammed me

Your Magazine Source
YMS Scam, Rude, Liars

Speedway cold springs ky
Gift card split Payment

Walmart Visa Gift Card
Positioned as a Gift Card, but forces you to open a pre-paid debit account MyFreeCard.Biz/Claim
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report