Consumer Cellular and ATT
Consumer Report


I was told mymonthly bill would $13.45 and tne bill this month is $17.50. I have tried to get them by phone but the line is allways busy. I under stand this a small amount but i would like to know why they increased it.

Company: Consumer Cellular and ATT
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
Address: 7224 SW Durham Rd, Ste 300
Phone: 18882945311, 5036758988
  <     >  


WCI/Tristar Cellular, 1929 Main St. bldg 104, Irvine, CA 92614, (800) 600-0924
Wci/tristar cellular ripoff

US Cellular, U.S. Cellular
Creates erroneous bill, sends to collections, reports to credit reporting agencies, offers no investigation

Cellular One
Celluar One RIPOFF Outrageous Charges

Charter Communications
Ripoff Unsympathetic to disabled who made arrangements to pay bill but disconnected cable anyway

T-mobile Cellular Phone Carrier
In affiliation with Radio Shack I received a bill from T-Mobile for the amount of $761.04! For one month of T-Mobile service!

Consumer Report

Home Depot
Credit Card

Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff delphia

Kymaro Body Shaper
Rip off

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff deceptive billing practices