Fraud, useless, scam, pathetic, farse


A warning to all, I have used this JustAnswer.com on several occasions hoping they had something better than the last to offer each time. This was not to be, their so called experts drip worthless little pieces of advice and then either they JustAnswer or the expert solicits your email for payment. The info they want paid for providing is usually always mediocre or worthless yet they all act as if payment should be issued regardless. I do think that eventually the US Attorney Generals Office should take the time to look into this company because they are clearly fleecing the consumer.

I have also found that far to often when you post your questions you can specifically state that you only want an expert with specific credentials in area of the question. Doing this though you will all to often find that some lay person thinking they know but lacking the credentials will reply with a minimal of a few words containing their personal thoughts rather than factual answers and for that suddenly you are receiving emails from JustAnswer stating that you should pay your expert. I am not saying they may not have true experts but they do have an abundance of wannabees there to nickle and dime you to death not the mention the aggravation created by their half ass attempts to get your money. This all said steer clear of JustAnswer.com unless you like wasting your money on the useless and many times worthless personal opinions of others.

Company: JustAnswer.com
Country: USA
Site: justanswer.com
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Paying for Nothing Internet

Is A SCAM justanswer.com justanswer Andy Kurtzig fake experts

Justanswer.com Andy And Tammy
Justanswer is a scam dont be fooled and lose your money to scam artists!

Justanswer is rippingoff experts

Justanswer.com, MsChase
What a moron... This person is NO EXPERT

Online company providing answers for questions regarding mechanical malfunctions of cars

Online scam

JustAnswer.com, Serenade Ventures LLC, Andy Kurtzig CEO
JustAnswer Corp LISA CHASE PATTERSON of JustAnswer.com aka MS CHASE, the relationship expert, I mean moron

In more than 90% of cases I have had good advice from Justanswer.com, and on one occassion paid a lawyer 250 for 1hr only to get the same answer. I have used Justanswer over 5 times

Consumer Report