Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


I recieved a call about a credit line of $5500.00 that i could use at all well known shopping outlets, but after i paid my $99.00 dollar service fee thats when i found out that i couldn't shop just any where, i could only use the card on-line. But when i tried to login into the web site to use the card service i couldn't get into the web site. I tried calling customer serivce but i just get an answering servivce that instructs me to leave my name and call back number then they will call me back, but when it transfers to the place to leave my information the answering service is full and will not accept anymore messages. It's a terrible shame that people knowingly can still get away with scamming people.

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff scam

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Phoenix Consumer Services
Ripoff dishonest unprofessional bogus broken promises never available