Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report


I recieved a phone call today saying that I had been approved for a credit dard. I had filled out some applications so I thought they were real. I was told that I needed to pay a $99 fee for a credit line of $5500. I responded that I would not have the money till the 3rd. I was then given the phone no. 1-800-887-2636 to call customer service about the deposit. I went on the computer trying to find out about the card and found nothing. I put in express platium card and was rounted to american express. I found this web site by accident but thank god i did. I will be going to the bank as soon as I can and blocking them. I feel so stupid now. All I was trying to do was rebuild my credit and somehow keep finding these scam artists. I was on a secure web site (or so I thought) when I was filling out the forms for a credit crad. How do they keep getting away with this? If banks would give people second chances to rebuild their credit these people wouldn't be getting rich off our desperation. Goverment is so quick to pentalize honest people, how about the scamers out there?

Company: Express Platinum Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89052
Address: 871 Coronado Center Dr, Suite 200
Phone: 8775360076
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Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Express Platium Card
Web Platium express card $5500 credit builder Credit card with 5,500 limit to help build credit with onr time fee $99.00 but card is only for their site Internet

Platium Card - False Advertising
Consumer Report

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

Ripoff - Platinum Card credit limit 10,000 with a $37 annual fee

American Express
American Express Reduced Credit Line - Open for Business Card

American Express
Fraudulent activity

Express Platinum Card
Consumer Report

American Express
Credit Card Application Accepted then Suspended with police questioning-like

Arizona Government
Illegal politics in Arizona government again political corruption, it's all about who you know! Ripoff to Arizona people, buying all of Arizona, check these people out and tell me I'm wrong!