Consumer Report


I ordered the 'trial offer' of EPM Advanced Wrinkle Care for $7.99, plus a companion product, Juvenu for $1.99, on 19th October. On 3rd November, I was charged $84.71 by Juvenu and $141.50 by relift.com (EPM). I immediately complained to both the companies and my credit card company. After speaking to Juvenue and being told that I had agreed to a 'trial' of the product which if it was not returned within 14 days, I would be charged the full retail value, plus subscribe to a monthly service (for what I do not know). After stating that under no circumstances had this been clear on the offer nor on the merchandise when it arrived, then I had NOT agreed to any further charges other than the original 'trial offer' price, they agreed to 'cancel' my subscription and refund my money, which they have done. However, I have been less successful with relift, as they do not have a contact number on their website or an address, (something which I have recently discovered is not allowed). So my only means of contact was through email. Yesterday (11th December) I finally received a reply from them.in the meantime, they had charged me a further $141.50 on 4th Nov and another $149.50 on 21st November.in their email they state that I 'agreed' to a product trial offer, which if not returned within 14 days, then I would be liable for the full value and again be deemed to have taken out a monthly subscription. They have included a US contact number which is (for anyone else who wishes to contact them) 0011-1-0866-956-7515, so I must now contact them, no doubt costing me more money. A further twist in this tale, is that despite contacting my credit card company and informing them of the situation, I was told that there was nothing they could do as the merchant was claiming on a valid reference number. This number was created from my original order which only authorized payment of $7.80. If this is true, does this not mean that any merchant can change the value of the product you buy from them and the credit card company will then pay???

Company: Hydroxatone
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Jersey City
ZIP: 07303
Address: P.O. Box 9300
Phone: 8006722259, 8886214043
Site: hydroxatone.com
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Consumer Report

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Juveneu 18668811138
Consumer Report