RS Consulting Group
Consumer Report


As all of you have stated, I received a cashier's check and before depositing it into my account, I did some research online and immediately found this website listing all the scams made by this "company" within the matter of just a few days.

For future reference. Always check into something to make sure it is 100% legitimate before depositing the check into your account. With cashier's checks, the funds are usually added to your account within 24 hours, the bank then sends this check through their digital banking system and within 48 hours they see that the check is insufficient. And then your account will be drafted for the amount of the check.

Last year, I had the same type of scam happen to me, so when I first opened the letter, I knew it was a scam.

Any legitimate company would require a personal application and there is also training that you pay out of pocket to become a "Secret Shopper"

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually always is. Around this time of year, people are easily taken advantage of because of the financial stress that this holiday season brings, and these con artists know that!

I am sorry for all of you who got scammed by this "company" but the best way to prevent this from happening, it to do your research first, and now tell your friend and family so they don't possibly get scammed as well.

Hope this information was helpful and that everything gets worked out with your finances caused by jerks like these.
On a brighter note... Happy Holidays and Best Wishes to you all!

Company: RS Consulting Group
Country: USA
Phone: 9096005905
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RS Consulting Group
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