Drez Dilemma
LIES & DECEPTION that caused lives to change


My story is an unusual one in that it involves people altering information to trick me into getting into something that I would NOT be able to get out of.

Habitat, an organization designated to HELP low income families acquire homes. Huh, sounds good right, but; not necessarily true. What I mean is that they help get you into something but whether or not it good for you is a different story.

They go thru many means to get you too, yes even LIES. Yes, I said it, they lie and twist financial infomation so that they can get you in. I know because it happened to me.

In I applied for a Habitat Home and was given the run around for 2yrs. I was in the midst of getting a divorce at this time so a lot of the information hung on the fact that I wasn't divorced until 10/29.

I contacted Habitat in April and the lady that started assisted wasn't there anymore and I spoke with a gentleman who stated at that time that "If you haven't heard anything by now and it's been since that you should NOT be expecting a home, they should have told NO! And closed the file. My chart was moved from inactive to active that same day.

At that time my income agreed with requirements for Habitat.in February of this year, I was asked for income verification at that time I was working about 50hrs and within income requirements to stay in the program.

In April I was required again to show proof of employment/income verification, at that time my hours had INCREASED and I did NOT meet the requirements anymore secondary to income w/child support being too high as told in an odd matter by an employee at Habitat on 04/27 (off the permises) in which the Family Credit Repair Specialist was fully knowledgeable of what my status was and have this other employee the authority to make the decision to give me the house but NEVER himself contact and tell me what my status was but in fact left it up to another employee to take the fall should something like this be discovered.

He in fact he sanction that employee WRONG-DOING and granted me liberty to stay in the program. He and that other employee knew FULL well that what they were doing was WRONG and yet they did it ANYWAY. I am in a house that I DISHONESTLY received because of LIES told and NOW everybody wants to go by the book and say that can't get out of it and that Habitat does NOT buy back houses, whatever in the contract it clearly states that we MUST FIRST OFFER HABITAT THE OPTION TO BUY BACK HOME FIRST BEFORE SELLING IT ANYONE. And yet when I talked to them, they: "We don't buy homes back." Sounds like another LIE.

So as a result of them not taking the house back, I rented it out to pay the mortgage because I signed a contract and that's how I was paying the mortgage. It was dicovered that I wasn't living in the house. I NEVER lived in the house and shared my concerns with they and they at seemed as if they were going to resolve the issues but they NEVER did. I had to do what I need to do to pay them. I'm in a home that I NEVER should have been in the beginning and the ONLY thing I'm doing is trying to pay for a DISHONESTY caused by Habitat. WHAT IS THERE PENALTY? They FALSIFIED financial information to get me in the house. Isn't that a CRIME. Shouldn't they have a responsibility, a price to pay too.

I would just like to deed the house back to Habitat or someone who will wants it.

Company: Drez Dilemma
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pensacola
Address: 616 N B St
Phone: 8506071099
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Habitat for humanity
Im trapped in a small house that is falling apart from not being built correctly and no credit due to payments on the home not being reported

Habitat for Humanity
Bad service

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat For Humanity
Denied a house twice because im a white american with 1 child

Maryland Habitat
And Charles Mensah Do not hire this contractor in Maryland becasue Financial troubles: Maryland Habitat Ripoff

Campus Habitat
No organization, no care for students they rent to

Habitat for humanity
A tax shelter for cronies, not general public as it doesn't allow for individual to make a property donation

Campus Habitat
We are just students, so they think we don't know our renting rights