British Petrolem (Raymond Edward Mark)
Consumer Report


There is someone who I have been chatting with as a friend online. He notified me on Tuesday that I MUST send him 7000.00 to the UK or he will publiciez information on utube and on my facebook account if i do not send him this money by Saturday. He claims that he works for BP north of the UK on a rig and the crane went down and his contract is up on Sept 15th but if the crane is not repaired by Monday he will not be able to complete his contract. He DEMANDS that I send him this money or he will post information about me on the WWW on utube and make posts to my facebook account to all of my friends and relatives. He said I have until Saturday to get this money to him or he will also make posts to all of my friends in my neighborhood since he found out my home address and he has been phoning me making threats. I have filed a report with the FBI and also contacted BP today about this since this man has a contract with them that ends Sept 15 and if his job is not complete he does not get his pay. He has sent me emails threating me, phone calls threating me. When I filed a report against him with the FBI it said that it would take them 48 hrs to get back to me but so far I have not heard anything from anyone. The man's name is Raymond Edward Mark and he gave me an address in St. Paul, MN but he said his crane on his job went down and he has spent all his money to get it repaired but he still owes over 7000.00 and if I do not send him this money to the UK and I have the name and address he wants me to send it to that he will contact everyone on my facebook account especially my family members and relatives. I told him I do not have such money and tried to buy some time by telling him a lie that I am going to try to get money from a relative in CA after his threats to give the FBI time to investigate what is happening and try to set up a trap with maybe a fake set of western union numbers since he said I would have to send the money in 2 payments. He wants me to pay for the repairs to his crane that went down on his rig so he can complete his contract but I keep telling him I do not have such money so he is demanding to post all sorts of information about me on the web for all to see and even contact all my neighbors and send them files about me.

Company: British Petrolem (Raymond Edward Mark)
Country: USA
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