Kraft kolors,, Matthew Crane
I recieved an e-mail with a job offer and am expecting an package tommorrow in which I don't know what to do


I have received an e-mail from someone named Matthew Crane who also is supposed to be sending me a package with a money order that I am to cash and keep 10% then send the remainder to him. I looked it up and saw no negative information on the company so I agreed. I do not know how much or where to send it yet. I just received an e-mail that it is coming tomorrow and do not know what I should do with it. I have just recently seen that someone else said it is a rip off.

Company: Kraft kolors,, Matthew Crane
Country: USA
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Saint Matthew's Churches

Saint Matthew's Churches
Ripoff The amount of money that this organization has spent just on the mail I have received could have fed a small army

Tim-Director: Best Vacations Eve
Consumer Report

St. Matthew's Churches - Prayer By Letters - St. Matthew's Publishing
St. Matthew's Churches Aka Prayer By Letters Aka St. Matthew's Publishing Rip-off! Beware! Fake charity!

Saint Matthew's Churches
Saint Matthew's Church Seeds of Sucess - Want you to Pledge money

Saint Matthew'sChurches
Saint Matthew's Churches Prayer Rug ripoff Prayer By Letters

Saint Matthew's Churches
Religious Rip Off Continues

Saint Matthew's Churches
Here's what the REAL St. Matthew's Church has to say

St. Matthew's Church - A.k. a Prayer By Letter
St. Matthew's Church A.K. A Prayer By Letter dirty ripoff liars, dirty SOB's, ripped off and scammed, tricked and lied to us
Consumer Report