Consumer Report


Met a russian lady on internet in january e mails every day started long love letters gradually got smaller wanting money sent her money in may june july aug says shes got visa passport for three mths visit cant fly says she needs 1080 in her bank to show customs looked into this its not true
so i really think ive been scammed

Company: Konfetulublu@yahoo.com
Country: USA
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Leyla Ivanovna Shukiurova
Ripoff Russia

Yahoo Hosting
Stole my money

Love spells scam
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

GirlFloret80. Yahoo
Consumer Report

Yahoo! Inc
Yahoo! Advertising review and complaint

Yahoo Shopping Do not send your orders, answer email inquiries or provide a refund ripoff

YAHOO.com OR YAHOO MESSENGER.com and text messages from the phone
Consumer Report

Yahoo-inc.com (aka Yahoo Personals)
Yahoo! Personalyahoo-inc.com (aka Yahoo Personals) ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing California based company

Ksenia russia
Consumer Report