Leyla Ivanovna Shukiurova
Ripoff Russia

Education & Science


I am a single person looking for new friends so I joined an online club. I got a response from: LEYLA SHUKIUROVA. Goes by leyla1978@yandex.Ru. The letter looked innocent I looked up her profile all seems good. She sent me photos of herself on the first mail. We started exchanging mails. After about the 5th mail exchange I sent her my photo. Her attitude changed after calling me romantic names and replying almost everyday. Suddenly she wants to visit me. She wants money to go for the visa and medical. Cost $550.00 U.S. I didn't send any money to her. She then proceeds to tell me she is going to Moscow for the visa. She would stay at a hotel. She would use the money she has. I am still communicating accordingly. She then sent me a copy of her passport with a Canadian visa. I truly believed her now.

She then told me the application for the visa had taken all her money and wanted money for the ticket to come to Canada. It will cost $620.00 U.S. I sent her some money. After sending her the money she runs into a problem, she needs more money to show Custom house she had money to visit Canada. She assured me the money wouldn't be spent it's just to show that she had the money to travel. I sent her some money again. After constantly nagging me for more money I had a gut feeling that something was wrong. I decided to look up her name, BINGO she is on the scammers list. I pretended everything is okay. She then started writing more less telling me it is costing her too much money to use the Internet. I tried to reclaim some of my money (which I highly doubt I will get back) by giving her a sad story. She stopped writing now. This message is to warn people who are looking for new friends on the internet, DON'T TRUST ANYONE, don't fall for sad stories, don't give your hard earned money to someone who Falls in love with you on the internet, If you do prepare to be scammed just the way I was.

Will follow up on this to make sure this person is stopped and possibly serve some jail time. Some of her actual mails are as follows:

Toronto, Ontario

Company: Leyla Ivanovna Shukiurova
Country: Russian Federation
State: Other
City: Samara
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I was having problems with my PC and looked for help on internet and they popped up and some how and my cpomputer went crazy all know Iam out Baku