Custom built personal training
Club ready ripped off. No contract given at signing, many issues scandalous


Last June i joined this personal training 60.00 per month was never given a copy of the contract. The 1st payment was doubled. 120.00. This was a hardship for me could barely afford the 60.00 monthly yet i had quit smoking put on some weight so thought this would be good for me. Spoke with ms miller nothing they can do she says it is in the contract. I was terrible upset she said she would send me a copy of the contract. Well after a month i called again still no contract so finally she did send it and i see okay it does say that. So nothing i can do, I'm still upset now i just want to cancel. Because its been over however many days the early termination fee is like 275.00 unbelievable. The company wont give i talked with Paul at the gym hes the one who signed me up. I asked why he didn't tell me about the early termination fee. He said no ever cancels. He was sorry he hadn't mentioned that but "nothing he can do". I'm stuck paying for a personal trainer i have bad feeling about. So my year is up in may yeah. I'm done. Then i went to purchase some school supplies for my grandsons and my credit card was declined. I had just made a payment to allow me to help my grandsons, their dad has been unemployed for 8 months. Were all having a really hard time financially, i found out club ready or custom built they call themselves different names, had billed my credit card eighty dollars. Yes i called found out on the contract there is a auto renewal clause that they say is initialed. Yet i had had a conversation w / Mrs miller in June stating i would not renew i was terribly disappointed in how her company had treated me. Their conversations are all recorded so they say. So here we are. Tabitha refused to credit my credit card back for any money. As a "courtesy" would cancel my auto renewal. They did sent me an email and just the wording of it makes me believe this is not over. Please help me. I should never have gotten into this in the first place, i'm too old for this, you would think i could just lose weight on my own. Oh also after signing the contract w / Paul at Ozark fitness i went back the next day to get a copy of the contract and conveniently, Paul didn't have one he said he had sent it into corporate office. The whole thing stinks. From the time i began to now, i just cant take it. I honestly don't feel this is right. Please help me. Also they did the bait and switch game with me also i was training w / Paul and only found out later that he would not be my trainer, that some one else would be, again just bad business, a honest company would be happy to refund the dues if the member wasn't pleased. They go above and beyond to get our money no matter what they have to do no matter how unscrupulous.

Company: Custom built personal training
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Springfield
Phone: 8774227899
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