Consumer Report


Cancelled long distance service about one year ago, now find this amount charged for service i don't have. Contacted att and was informed if service not used a $2. Oo monthly charge is added to my bill. Cheap and chintzy way of doing business. Sock it to the customer.

Company: At&t
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
ZIP: 75202
Address: 208 South Akard Street
Phone: 2108214105
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OAN - Reduced Rate Long Distance
Unauthorized Long Distance Charges

Billed for long distance service I never requested

Long Distance Access
Bill for long distance calls

U S Telecom Long Distance
Consumer alert unwanted charges Las Vegas

Supra Telecom
Mass rip-off by SupraTelecom?

Esbi Ets
And Qwest Long Distance Rip Off ESBI long distance carriers are not partners with Qwest but apparently doing business with them

ILD Teleservices, Inc
Have a charge of $5.46 on my phone bill for Universal service fund and OTC Long Distance Monthly Service fee. I did not subscribe to anything thru this company consumer rip-off fraud

USBI - Voicelink Intl Inc
Billed me for long distance service after I filled out a survey

ILD Telecom
Ripoff billing for service charge fraudulent ripoff business

MCI - The Neighborhood
Ripoff - false advertising. I received the "Neighborhood" special for $39.99 mo. Unlimited long distance/local Monthy bill was ALWAYS up to $70.00 mo