ILD Telecom
Ripoff billing for service charge fraudulent ripoff business

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I was contacted several weeks ago by someone who claimed to be a representative of my local phone company, Qwest. This person told me that Qwest had chosen Horizon long distance to be a preferred long distance provider. He also told me that 1) there would be no monthly service charge, and 2) that there would be no changes to my service until I signed a paper authorizing it, which would be mailed to me

Imagine my surprise and anger when my phone bill arrived and I'd been slammed by that sleazy company, and charged a service charge as well. I contacted that sleazy compamy and explained that I would pay them no money, and I'd be filing complaints where ever I could. This is the first.

Company: ILD Telecom
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Phone: 8004334518
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US Telecom/Qwest
Continue to Bill when phone services turned off

Oribit Telecom
Phone bill ripoff Seattle

And LDC Telecom Slammed my account, can't seem to get rid of them Ripoff

Ripoff Without my knowledge or approval, switched my long-distance provider from Sprint to MCI and billed me 10 times higher. Mesa

Integrete -, The Billing Resource - Horizon Telecom
Integretel - The Billing Resource - Horizon Telecom Charged me for services I did not order ripoff

Usbi Telephone
Long-distance rip-off provide

Orbit Telecom & Qwest
Orbit Telecom Unauthorized billing via Quest for an unauthorized voice mail service Ripoff

Usbi - Nsbi
Usbi - Nsbi lied saying they were Qwest and that NSBI would now be handling long distance for Qwest. They slammed my phone bill They Said Las Vegas

Esbi Ets
And Qwest Long Distance Rip Off ESBI long distance carriers are not partners with Qwest but apparently doing business with them

Impact Telecom
Lying to get customers to switch to their service