Consumer Report


Was promised info. On understanding Kreskin's abilities to be able to manage my life better. I received phoney predictions instead, that are very general and are the type listed in the newspaper. Sent it back for a refund. Which I never received.

Company: Kreskin
Country: USA
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Stole Money

Amazing Kreskin
Consumer Report

The Amazing Kreskin
Rip off took my mother for $60.00

The Amazing Kreskin
Consumer Report

Christine Arnett
Another psychic scam

Financial Acquisition Agency
Consumer Report

The Amazing Kreskin
The Not So Amazing

NT Society
Attempted to mislead me into thinking that by posting back a letter, before I had time to really think about it, my life would be changed forever! Ripoff

Live Person / Kasamba
False Psychics False psychics make wrong predictions and exchange client information. Beaverton

Richard Atashian
Sent out phoney business opportunity letter requesting a twenty-seven dollar fee