Christine Arnett
Another psychic scam


I recently made the mistake of answering one of those stupid mail advertisements that claim you've probably won some money. These are always printed on some official-looking document that resembles a check.By the way, I've noticed that many of these seem to come from Las Vegas. Anyway, ever since then, I've been on every scam artist's mailing list imaginable. The latestmailer I receivedis from a woman who calls herself, "Christine Arnett." I always want to believe that people are sincere when in my heart I know that they probably aren't. I sent her $24.00 for her so called, "kit" that would supposedly assist me in taking advantage of my upcoming "lucky streak" by letting me know when to play the Lotto, what my lucky numbers would be, etc.

I knew this was probably just another scam, but I thought I'd try it, just to test it out and see if anything positive would happen. Well, in turned out that my instincts were right again. Another scam!

After sending her the $24.00, I never heard from her again and never received her kit. I am so sick and tired of these people. Why don't they stop ripping off the public and get a "real job."

Remember that name, "Christine Arnett." If you receive any correspondence from this individual, my advice is to promptly file it in the waste basket! In fact, any material from an individual claiming to be an astrologist or psychic is always phony. There was even someone recently who was claiming to be the amazing Kreskin, who received popularity many years ago by his numerous appearances on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I read on an Internet site, that the real amazing Kreskin stated publicly that he had nothing to do with these phony mail advertisements that were going out.

All you phony baloney psychics out there—the public is getting wise to you! Stop preying on innocent hard-working people who are just trying to make a living in this depressed economy. We don't need you!

Company: Christine Arnett
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: Las Vegas, NV
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