The Amazing Kreskin
The Not So Amazing

Shops, Products, Services

This person is a rip-off. He repeatedly sends letters to my father to inform him of his "good fortune" yet it hasn't arrived. Also he makes a request for $39.95 for each "sucess report". Someone please put a stop to this foolishness. This is pretty sorry behavior for those who like to prey on Senior Citizen's most of all.

Company: The Amazing Kreskin
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 56W. 45th ST., Suite 1001
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Amazing Kreskin
Consumer Report

John Beck's Amazing Profits
Mentoring Of America - Convinced 91-year-old father to approve credit card for about $6500.00 by phone ripoff Van Nuys

The Amazing Kreskin
Consumer Report

IP&R Also Known As Amazing Innovations
Inventors beware of Crooked Businesses and Individuals who approach you after your Patent is granted, there is no grain of truth in their story!

Very good experience with new & smart classified ads

The Amazing Kreskin
Rip off took my mother for $60.00

Amazing host, Amazing Electronics
Additional companies to electronix index ( are! Stay away from these companies! They are thieves! London (United Kingdom)
Best eve

Opportunities Unlimited Publications
Ripoff Alert Senior Citizens of this scam! North