ACM Technologies
Ripoff Unethical employment practices Bad business


As a recent college grad I was looking for a full time job in the financial services, when I came across an ad in the Career Builder. I called ACM and set up an interview, which went pretty well. Sure enough, I got a phone call with the job offer 4 days later (Friday). My future boss said that the accountant was out of town, so she would call me on Monday to tell me about what job package they are going to offer.

On Monday I got an e-mail saying that she won't be able to get back to me until 5 or 6 pm. No phone call. I wait a couple of days, and call her. The customer rep puts me on hold, and tells me to call her back. I call back, get put on hold again, and again. Finally, I get hold of the boss and she tells me that the people who are supposed to approve my job package are travelling in the mountains and it has been difficult to reach them, and that she would call me back in a couple of days. No phone call. Again, no communication at all.

So I call her myself, so through the same thing of getting put onhold (she doesn't have an answering machine!). Finally, I talk to her and she tells me that I should try her next Monday. My patience is waning, but I am pulling myself together and trying to be polite. On Monday, she is unreachable again, and after awhile her customer rep tells me that she would call me back at 5pm. Needless to say, she doesn't.

So i wait for 4 days. No communication. After a couple of more of these calls, and getting put onhold, I talk to her again. She tells me that they can't give me the salary that I requested, and gave me the details of what they could offer. She also says that I am not the only one they are hiring for that position. And tells me to call her back tomorrow. Well, since at that point I had nothing else, I decided to accept it. I call her back the next day, she is not there. Her customer rep says that she would call me back (plus she sounds really rude). She didn't call. I e-mail her to tell her that I am accepting the job offer. No reply. I call her the next day, and guess what she tells me!!! She says that she would recommend applying again a month from now, that she doesn't have the time for me right now, and it wouldnt be fair to me. Blah blah blah... Even though during the interview, which I had 2 and a half weeks before (yes, this whole thing was dragging for 2 and a half weeks!!!) she was really happy that I could start working for them right away!

Now, what happened to the other people who she was hiring together with me??? Did they get hired? Did she manage to find time for them, but not for me? I was outraged, yet, I was still hoping that something might work out. So i asked if there was a chance that I could work part-time for now, and then, when she has the time, start working full-time. Now, she was really happy to hear that, and said that she would be able to arrange that, and that she would call me back on friday at 5 pm. I haven't heard back from her ever since.

While the whole thing was happening I was so sure I got the job that I stopped looking elsewhere. I kind of ran into some financial trouble, and now I am in deep shit because of this. Had ACM been more direct with what was really going on (I still don't know) and kept up the promises that they made, I wouldn't have ended up in this mess. Their behaviour was completely unethical and unprofessional. I am disgusted and outraged to the highest degree! Please, think twice before you do business with ACM Tech!

Company: ACM Technologies
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: South Hadley
Address: 6 Industrial Drive P.O. Box 310
Phone: 4135321435
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