Consumer Report


I ordered the trial for $1.95 per bottle - for a total of $3.90 which was fine. I cancelled immediately each order so I did NOT get the future orders shipped - good thing, it doesn't work AT ALL. Strangely enough, I did not get my next credit card bill. The following month, I call and golly gee, I didn't dispute it within 30 days so too bad for me. The rude B^#* (on the phone refused to let me talk to management, refused to give me her name or any other information. Her words "you aren't getting anything from me." The worst? She admitted it was a "mistake on their part" that they billed me but it was my fault for not disputing the charge within the 30 days - not her problem I didn't "look at my credit card bill" when I got it. After a few choice words for her, I hung up. I will pay my bill and lesson learned - don't deal on the internet!!!

Company: LeanSpa
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Branford
ZIP: 06405
Address: 420 E Main St Ste 8
Phone: 2034882558
Site: leanspa.com
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Colopure Advanced
Pissed off consumer! Colopure is a scam!

Ordered Leanspa diet pills for 4.95 shipping handle only for 14 trial. They billed me shipping then they billed me 79.99 the day they sent product to me. Way before 14 day trial. I checked my credit c

AOL / Talk.com
Changed my lon distance without authorization, obtained my credit card info from AOL and billed my credit card after I refused to pay ripoff Clearwater?

Net Zero
NOT Free First Month Net Zero doesn't even work! Ripoff

XM Labs
Placed order for trial offer. Did not ship. Tried to get $139.97 from CC, denied by my card

Offered a 30 free trial. Only to find out it was really a 14 day trial. Trial starts on the day you order, order on the weekend order does not ship until the 24 hours after the next business day

Fraudulent Billing Central Billing Fraud, Dishonesty, No Accountability Ripoff California

Lean Spa
Mailed products not ordered. I ordered a sample & paid shipping. They then charged me $79.00 for the sample & anohter $79.00 for one I did not order

Leanspa.com LeanSpa is a REAL Scam

BEWARE Do not give them creditcard