American Express
I opened this account but have never charged anything to it. However they keep charging me for magazines I have never ordered. Three times since February


I opened an account with American Express and have never used it. However on my March billing I had a charge of $39.95 for a Home & Leisure Magazine which I did not order. I called and they took it off. The very next month my statement showed a credit of $39.95 but

A new charge of $89.95 for another magazine. I called and after holding on forever I was transfered to a very rude lady that told me I was offered that last October! I told her if I did not respond, did they not think that meant I was not interested? She very rudely told me "It is taken off".

I received a statement last week and it now shows I owe $65.00 for a magazine called

Skyguide which I have never heard of, much less ordered. Is it legal for a company to keep doing this? I do not have the time to stay on the phone for hours to correct their mistakes!

Company: American Express
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 650448 Dallas, Tx. 75265-3366
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