CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Denied Lowes Credit Card


I applied recently for a Lowe's credit card. GE ref #: K5SP78. My credit rating is good and that is not this issue. My FICA is 943. After applying on line, I received a letter from the Fraud Protection Division of GE Bank. I was ask to respond to three computer generated questions for them to be proof positive that I am truly Harold Newman. I failed on one question which was the Month/Year of your recent mortgage. (Can you remember yours?) When I tried to get the GE Representative to use other means as proof that I am Harold Newman, she was unflappable. Now I get turn-down when reapplying. I love the store and hate GE Bank for their total reliance on a computer generated question to prove your identity. I think you are doing Lowe's Store a dis-service.

What tops this off is GE Bank also service the Home Depot and Sears which I have credit.

Company: CareCredit GE MoneyBank
Country: USA
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Lowes Consumer Credit
Credit Line Amount Promised, then Denied 7 days later Ripoff

Lowes Home Improvement
Ripoff I applied for a Lowes company crdit card and was denied 3 times and never sent a reason for the denial as required by law within 10 days nationwide

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Lowes billing complaint - account billing

GE MoneyBank

Lowe's Home Center
Ripoff Credit card fraud

CareCredit GE MoneyBank
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Lumber Dept - Lumber Dept

Home Depot
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