Corporate Security Patrol
Ripoff, scam, unprofessional, con artists, bullsh


I used to be an "employee" at this so called "liscenced company" and it was the most horrible job experience i ever had. First off, my bosses were so unprofessional and unbusinesslike it was discusting. They would swear at their employees and clients alike and they would talk about subjects not appropriate in the workplace.

Then their story started to change up about the way i was to get paid. First they told me that i would get paid by the hour plus comission. Then when it was time to get paid, they told me that my first week was a "trial week" and that i would not get paid for that week. After that initial week, i was to get my first paycheck. When i received it, i had already calculated that i was to get about 380.00. Well, the check only came out to 250.00 and then he gave me another bogus story that we only get paid 125 a week plus comission. Can you believe that?

This made me pretty skeptical about this company, what was their motive? Were they ligitimate or what? As the days went on, I received many disgruntled calls from clients complaining about their interviews and that they were to pay 400.00 dollars out of pocket for "training" to be a security guard. Of course, i knew nothing about this so i would have to transfer the calls over to one of my bosses for them to give their client a bogus story on how they would need to pay all this money because they have already been registered and that their initial fee of 80.00 could not be returned because their papers have already been processed.

Then my boss would tell us that the money wasn't important, but yet everyday before i went home i would have to make confirmation calls to see if these people were still coming in and mention to bring in the fee. That's where i lost most of the people that were coming in for interviews the next day. The money dosen't matter huh?

Then we learned about something called a "dead call" which means if a person already has all their certifications to be a security guard, we have to give them an e-mail address and tell them to send in their resume and when we review it, we would give them a call back. Except, when we did review it, we would delete it and the person would never get a response back. Pretty messed up huh?

That's not even the worst out of it all, I had a client call me one day and she told me that she called the BBB and they told her that the company i was working for wasn't even liscenced or even heard of. I told my boss about the situation and asked him if it was true and he replied we are liscenced by the dept. Of criminal justice and he stated that our company could be found on their website. I was also told to tell people that we were liscenced by the dept. Of criminal justice if there was any issues like this previous one. Later on that day, i went home and looked up the dept. Of criminal justice's website and our company was nowhere to be found.

A few more days passed and another incident occured, a man had called me and asked if he could speak to one of my bosses, even if they were in, i would have to take a messege for them. So i asked the man if i could help him with anything and he said that he was on his way to the interview and got lost and he asked a cop how to get to our building and the cop told him that we were a scam, don't go there.

He then continued on to say that he was gonna report us in and to tell my boss that his company is a scam. I told my boss about the incident and he said it wouldn't be the first time someone reported us in. I was really fed up at this point and I was upset that the position that i have been hired for was for a company that wanted me to do it's dirty work. They wanted me to bring in innocent clients and try to con them out of money when all these people really needed was a job.

One day, i went into work and my boss wasn't in that day, he called me up on my break and started to scream at me to pack up my s*t and leave. I yelled back and told him not to talk to me like that and what was the meaning of this. He had said that i have talked wrong about the company and needed to leave i told him that i don't talk to anyone in this company and all i do everyday when i come in is sit in my office and make my calls i'm given. He then went on to say that I knocked on his door one day and none of my bosses were in and the janitor said that i said i was gonna get them and that i had something for them. Lol what the hell is that supposed to mean? I told him that what he was saying didn't make any sense.

I went on to tell him that i think he was trying to get rid of me because i wasn't bringing in enough people and he shut his mouth and didnt say anything after that, so i'm guessing it was true. My second paycheck had come around, this time i was expecting about 250.00. I had only got 40.00 this time and i went to confront my boss about this, he said in order to get my base pay of 125.00, i would have to bring in 10 people and then i would get my base pay, I got fed up said why didn't anyone tell me this in the beginning?

He then went on to say that he thought he told me already and that he wanted to see more initiative from me and he didn't wanna keep having to give me these "mcdonald's" checks. Are you kidding? I used to work at mcdonald's and i made WAYYYYYY more money then i did with this position. I told him this and he told me not to be a smartass.

I was on my last nerve with this company, the straw that broke the camel's back was that they wanted me to start working on saturday and sunday. Mind you, i was already working M-F 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. Which was 40 hours and i wasn't getting paid for it and they wanted me to work overtime without paying me, that's like free labor. This is what finally made me say I QUIT!

So PLEASE heed my warning DO NOT GO TO THIS COMPANY FOR A JOB, TRAINING, OR AN INTERVIEW. They are CON ARTISTS at their best and all they want is your money!

Company: Corporate Security Patrol
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New york
Address: 62 Williams Street between Pine and Cedar street
Phone: 2124700772
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