

I checked my bank statement online today and found two different charges to my account that didn't look right to me. One had shown as UMG*EDGE (800) 4477776 02-18 Purchase / February 16 for $19.95. The second one was
UMG*MYAD (888) 3053227 02-23 for a purchase on February 18 for $19.95.

I had back surgery in January which has greatly limited me from accessing the internet for any period of time. I know I had only made a couple of purchases and that was for a few items which would help me in my recovery from that surgery. I did a search for the numbers which had looked like they must be phone numbers and voilà it led me to this website.

I called the 800 number and spoke with a very nice CS agent. She told me that I had joined some sort of savings club. I told her that I had not and never would have because I'm on a limited/fixed income. She in turn apologized and told me I'd receive a credit to my bank. I then asked her if she knew of the 888 number and was told that it was in fact the same company and I'd also get that credit. I then told her they would be reported because in my mind it was still fraud regardless. She asked me if I'd like to speak to her supervisor and I did.

The supervisor told me I had made a purchase at Walmart back in January and had joined the "savings club" there. She also told me I would be reimbursed both of the charges within 3-7 days. So, beware people! Check your bank statements, you never know who's lurking out there hoping you're not on your toes.

Company: Umg
Country: USA
Phone: 8883053227
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Unlimited Local Savings
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