Can I give you my money


On May 30 I placed an online order with AT&T for high speed Internet and home phone service. The next day I got an email telling me there was an error and to call a provided 1800 number. 24-48 hours later I did just that and was told that my order didn't go through because the previous owners of my house had not disconnected and was given their personal phone number to call them and ask when they were going to do just that. I of course didn't call someone I didn't know to pressure them to disconnect their AT&T services.instead I waited until I arrived in my new home (June 9th) and called the previously mentioned 800#. I was told my online order did not exist and that I would have to Place another. I bit the bullet and did just that. The gentleman helping me said he would get me a rushed appointment to be installed today June 14th and would call me Monday to verify. I heard nothing from him yesterday so I called back this morning. AGAIN, no order found so I had to reorder my services, backing my install date up to the 29th! So, because of mistakes by AT&T my order will take a whole month to be filled. What kind of company punishes their customers because of errors by their employees. I HAVE to have Internet for work and to pay bills. Here in I can't even get Internet. Why? Can I give you my money already? I can't wait until the 29th for service. I want to give you a chance to make it right but representatives only give me the standard "I'm so sorry you are having to wait". Unbelievable. I, in the meantime, will be shopping around for quicker installs with other companies.

Company: AT&T
Country: USA
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Charter Communication
Cut service

AT&T Bundle Service Representatives
Billed for services that were never ordered

AT&T Bundle Service Representatives
Billed for services that were never ordered

AT&T Uverse Internet Service
Violated Fair Credit Reporting Act

Poor service

Poor Service

Burton Plumbing, Heating, And Air
No Communication

People Pc
Charged my debit card $104.40 for internet service. I didn't order it and already have high speed internet access from another company

Consumer Report
Consumer Report